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In the transcript of VP Cheney's interview on Fox News today...

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whistle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 09:54 PM
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In the transcript of VP Cheney's interview on Fox News today...
...Dick Cheney said, "...In terms of its economic consequences, though, a key figure for me, or statistic for me, is that in 1981 energy took about 8.5 percent of our GDP. Today, it only accounts for about 3.5 percent of our GDP. In other words, we do a lot more with less energy than before. We've gotten to be much more efficient consumers."

Where the heck did he come up with those figures? Furthermore, how can Cheney come up with the conclusion that "...we (this country??) do a lot more with less energy than before. We've gotten to be much more efficient consumers." Excuse me? That is one he just pulled right out of his ass. We consume much more energy for everything we do from transpiration to environmental control. Everything we do today takes far more energy to accomplish than it did back in 1981. This is totally bogus, apples to guitar comparisons. The dollars to GDP have no relevance to the more efficient use of energy. The vice president once again is showing his total ignorance, or total contempt for the intelligence of the American people. Energy efficiency has to be measured through a ratio of units of work done to Btu's consumed.

It's a tricky concept to wrap one's arms around, but essentially we Americans have continued to need and use more energy per capita every year. However, as our economy shifts from an industrial production dependent economy to less energy dependent services, naturally the percent that diect energy costs in national accounting are to GDP have gone down over the last 25 years. Here are the pretty graphs and numbers and a very thorough discussion on the subject. Bottom line, Cheney can go fuck himself, since he is full of shit!

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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 10:04 PM
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1. war is peace,
doublespeak BS again
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eleny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-26-04 10:07 PM
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2. And in 1981
there were less U.S. companies scurrying to avoid paying taxes. So, the way I figure it, the little guy is picking up more of the tab now.

Oh, and btw, Cheney can go F himself.
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