got this in my email and i still don't believe it. wow. unfuckingbelievable how low they'll stoop.
Take Action: Bush Ad Puts Hitler Alongside John KerryIt isn't often that we'd ask you to go to George W. Bush's campaign website. But every single American should go to immediately and watch the disgusting ad the Bush/Cheney campaign has featured on the front page.
Titled "The Faces of John Kerry's Democratic Party," the ad features Adolf Hitler alongside Democrats, including John Kerry. President Bush's campaign has relied on negative attacks against Kerry, but this is a new low.
We've always said the Bush campaign would do anything to win, but even we are shocked that they've sunk this low. It's bizarre. It's outrageous. And we're not going to stand for it.
If President Bush has any decency at all, he'll remove this hateful ad from his website immediately.
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