Got to watch the movie in two countries (seriously)
Yesterday my hubby and I went to watch it at a theater catering to the working class. There were whoops and hurrahs and aplause throughout, and you know what guys, it did not bother me one bit. Heck I joined in... at places where it was needed.
The second country as it was, well today I went with a friend to watch it at a theater catering to the well to do. There was silence, as in stone silence almost throughout the movie. When the lights came on... I turned my eyes, and all I saw was shock. It looked as if these folks had been hit in the gut. It was visceral and it was powerful... and I think most actually started connecting the major dots in the movie.
I wondered, when we watched it last night, why Moore did not add more dots as it were. After all, for those of us who have been paying attention there was not much new in the movie, though I did connect one very subtle dot, for the LIHOP group. George's daddy left the Carlyle group meeting and was grounded in Milwakee, folks that was for one goal alone, plausible deniability. Now it was one more of them drips, drips, drips adding to that theory.
But after watching the folks in this very well to do theater seating there in shock I realized, Michael Moore could not add much more to the film without risking... information overload.
By the way, cities in question, La Jolla for the latter and San Diego for the former, never mind they are connected