A Roaring Success!
There was massive interest in the movie Fahrenheit 911. Our servers to our new web site were dramatically overloaded (our apologies) and tickets still sold out in just two days.
The heat was turned up high with sixteen hundred progressive activists in one place to watch a powerful movie on the deception and questionable competence of the Bush administration.
I was overwhelmed by the crowd’s energy and enthusiasm. My campaign staff said they received several hundred expressions of gratitude for putting this together. It's clear that people in Washington and the nation are ready for serious progressive action.
Once again, I want to thank my friends at Democracy for Washington for being such an active driver in bringing this event to Seattle. We could not have done this without them. Thanks also to Moveon.org for their incredible organization and ongoing commitment to important progressive causes.
To those who attended, I'm glad I had a chance to speak with you about our shared vision for our country. Your excitement and hunger for change is an inspiration to me. Thank you. I hope you enjoyed the night as much as I did. To those who were not able to join us, rest assured there will be more temperature rising events to come.
At the event, I challenged everyone to commit to volunteering 911 minutes of their time to make a difference in this election. Small groups of dedicated individuals can make a huge difference. Large groups (like the one last night) can make an even greater impact. I cannot think of a more urgent and crucial time to step up and get involved.
Please help make progressive change by dedicating your time to local, state, and national election efforts. Make jayinslee.com your home for progressive action between now and Tuesday, November 2.
Please take a minute to sign up for the 911 Minutes Challenge for Change.
http://jayinslee.com/index.php?page=homepage&action=landing&topic=9*Democracy For Washington, formerly Dean For Washington