Please HELP....I'm confused?
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Sun Jun-27-04 03:29 PM
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Please HELP....I'm confused? |
Are these 2 DIFFERNET people who both worked in counter intelligence?
Rand Beers/Randy Beers whom went to work for JK
Robert Baers Whom wrote the book "See No Evil"
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Sun Jun-27-04 03:39 PM
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Edited on Sun Jun-27-04 03:47 PM by welshTerrier2
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Sun Jun-27-04 06:23 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
3. Thank you for the PICS...... |
I was confused. I have never seen a PIC of Rand BUT it was Robert whom I have seen on Nightline.
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Sun Jun-27-04 04:05 PM
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2. What confused you? The last names are different. |
Similiar but different,and completely different first names.
Like John Kerry and Bob Kerrey
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:19 PM
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