Last week Idi Amin, known as the butcher of Africa, died in a hospital in Saudi Arabia, after decades of exile after a reign of terror in Uganda before he was forced to step down and go into exile. week Charles Taylor, President of Liberia, resigned and went into exile into neighboring Nigeria, where he no doubt will also die in his bed. Hussein, on the other hand is still being hunted down like a dog and will probably meet the same fate as his sons Uday and Qusay.
None of these three blood thirsty dictators deserve our sympathy. They truly caused much suffering and terror to their people. However, look at the first two dictators and how they were exiled. A coalition of African presidents persuaded these dictators to leave, guaranteeing their safety if they would do so. So Amin and Taylor got a free pass, but their people were freed from the terror of their reigns with a minimum of additional bloodshed.
Now what have we done in Iraq that probably couldn't have been accomplished in the same way with pressure from the surrounding countries? What if we had continued the weapons inspections under the UN and what if we pressured Saddam to step down and into exile with the help of the other Arab nations, as the other two dictators were taken care of. If we convinced Saddam that he should go into exile, then the UN and the other Arab states in the Middle East could have ushered in an orderly change of government free of Saddam and his party.
So, our soldiers wouldn't be dying out in the sweltering summer heat of Iraq. The Iraqi's would still have their infrastructure to build on and we wouldn't be even more hated around the world than we already are.
Am I missing something here? Or, is the comparison only apples and oranges.