(This post is a collage of random thoughts.)
First, CBS just announced that Farhenheit 9/11 is Number One at the box office for the weekend...a movie in 1/3 as many theaters as other top-draw movies.
A friend of mine who's a career Navy man and huge Bush fan saw Farhenheit 9-11 last night. I talked to him on Yahoo! chat earlier today and asked him what he thought. He said, "Why doesn't Moore interview Mr. Kerry?...I'm still proud to be heading to Iraq in two months, I think we're doing good things over there..." At the same time I raised about a dozen points from the movie and he didn't respond to any of them. But people didn't turn Repug immediately after hearing Rush Limbaugh, it tooks years of steady exposure. I think for a lot of people the facts of this movie will sink in slowly but surely -- slowly, but surely.
A point that will probably rub a lot of people wrong here, but I have to make it: people are saying our news media failed us. But where did the damning clips of Bush come from? Network news! Rumsfeld and Rice saying Saddam was no threat clearly had a Today show logo (or some other show...can't remember) in the corner. Bandar laying it all out on Larry King Live. What this movie showed me was it's not what the news shows me, but how I watch the news. The 11 o'clock news last night looked much different because I had learned how to watch.
Myself, even as a DU member and Howard Dean supporter, the movie jarred me more than I even expected. As a piece of film and entertainment I would quibble that it's pace was uneven and some things that should have been delved into were skimmed while other points were ran in the ground. In the end, though, as the credits rolled and I contemplated what I had learned, I realized I had seen possibly the most important movie in American history. Maybe in the history of the world! A movie that exposed corrupt power connections around the world in living color!
Everyone posts about this, but I just had to get those thoughts out :)