This is why we are screwed:
Bush is untouchable. He has a godlike status. He can not be criticized.
Look at the protection he has around him, from ASScroft to right wing fanatics on their ninth beer in the trailer park, he has people so in love with him and so scared to death that they are willing to assault you if you even suggest that you may vote Democratic.
Has this ever happened before?
Slam Clinton all you want, but NEVER say anything wrong about Bush.
Thats bullshit.
Look at how much this atmosphere in this country has changed. I went to some rightwing sites, and decided to read the inflammatory comments about liberals and Clinton. Some of these are as fresh as two days old.
Some of these comments about Clinton that are still being made today are death threats.
What happens when someone says this about Bush, conservatives?
The pieces in all caps are words I have changed.
Lets see if it gets me into trouble:
Somebody please JFK his (BUSH's) ass
You CONSERVATIVES are the types of whores I love to hear about on the news: found dead and sexually violated.
President BUSH, that weasel rat bastard.
I hope BUSH gets a home run hit right into his fat head.
BUSH should be in prison.
I would also like to add a few comments that I have just made up, and that there is no evidence to support:
Bush belongs to a Satanic cult.
Bush got away with raping and murdering a twenty year old couple when he was in college.
Bush hates America.
Bush is a criminal.
Bush stole my lunch money when I was in second grade.
Here we have still more threats:
"And by the way, why doesn't anyone try to assasinate BUSH anyway? He's already proved himself to be the worst president of all times soely in his first term. I'm not saying that he should be shot but he sure deserves it more than Regan or JFK did!" freepland:
"al Qaeda wanted to assasinate BUSH?
Methinks the terrorists are making this up to get on our good side.""If they attacked and removed BUSH, the country would have spared the most vile creature it ever had in the White House, and BUSH would have had his precious legacy
everyone would havre been better off"
same thread. I left the spelling errors in because, face it, these people are idiots.
"If they would just kill BUSH, he would be a martyr and not a disgraced ex-president"
"BUSH doesn't care when terrorists attack, or how many innocent Americans they kill, as long as they don't do it when he's in office."
"Why would terrorists want to kill BUSH, their chief enabler and ally?"
"Are these terrorists (that want to kill BUSH) still avaliable?"
Thats enough. I can't take this anymore.
Thanks for reading.