It's simply amazing to me that the article framed the discussion with the opinions of pseudo-patriotic Republicans - who apparently love America so much that they use mafia tactics to blacklist and bully free speakers. Please click the link and then "feedback" to send a message, if you agree. lived on Whidbey Island for my entire childhood, I have never felt compelled to attend the County Fair. However, I cannot wait until tomorrow morning to witness the absolutely wonderful democratic booth. Not only did these amazing people brave the chickenhawks, they inspired children to protest the Republican ice cream booth. Beautiful. :)
My only regret is that I am too late to get a "Bush sucks" pin.
*********************************On Thursday, the Island County Democrats caught heat from several Island County Fair Board members and from members of the public for distributing buttons, bumper stickers and signs some called unpatriotic. The dispute became so serious that the message and purpose of the booth was discussed at the fair board's Friday morning meeting, though no action was taken.
Further aggravating the situation, apparently, was an impromptu protest started by children who picked up signs and buttons at the the Democrat booth. They sat in front of the Island County Republicans' ice cream booth for over an hour displaying their literature.
This is exactly what Grethe Cammermeyer, chairperson of the Island County Democrats, feared. Though in speaking with Gabelein Thursday Cammermeyer learned of no specific rule barring her group from distributing its materials, she said the board could nonetheless kick the Democrats out of their booth area on the fair midway for next year's fair. That would be particularly damaging to the local party, she said, since 2004 is a presidential election year.
Since the fair board did not choose to take any action against the Democrats, the booth will likely continue to distribute its materials through Sunday. However, material Brant said fair board members told him were "inappropriate" may not be an issue beyond Friday. By late Thursday, the Democrat had already give away all of its "Bush Sucks" lapel buttons and were well on their way toward handing out all of their signs.
"Business has been pretty good," Brant said with no attempt to hide his satisfaction.