would be a good idea. There are too many differing views for only two parties. I would like to see coalitions made with Greens, Right-to-Lifers, Socialists, Libertarians, etc. It would better reflect the population.
But, we don't have the kind of parliamentary system that allows that sort of thing.
We have never had a viable third party in our history, and there's no reason to think we'll have one soon. We're all pretty much stuck with trying to make the two parties we have respond to us. The best we could hope for is for the Republicans to continue to include the rightwing, us to include more of the the leftwing.
I would say the biggest challenge we have is to bring back respectiblity to the left wing. I think most people tend to discount the wingnuts on both sides, but there is a distinct tendency for people to avoid being labelled as even slightly leftist now, and that really has to be stopped.