OK, I apologize to anyone who may be offended in advance for posting the entire thing (instead of just a snippet and then the link), including the moderators, and if this is not kosher tell me. But this had to go up. It seriously made me laugh, and I thought it would be easier for people who have slower computers to read it.
This is a post from an idiot at the Washington Dispatch boards who clearly has chugged the poisoned Kool-Aid. It has not been edited in any way. If you want to argue with some serious idiots, check them out:
http://www.washingtondispatch.com"To those who hate America (but refuse to leave)"
You live among us, yet you preach hatred against America, the American people, the American value system, and the American Government. But you sure enjoy the freedoms and liberties that America provides, which were purchased at the expense of American blood. But you still preach your hatred. The 1st Amendment allows you to do just that.
Your kids go to America's schools to get an education (thanks to the taxpayers), and if they want to, they can go on to some of the finest universities in the world and are getting an education you could never get where you are from, unless you were "politically connected", or a member of the "social class". Yet you continue to preach your hatred for America. The 1st Amendment gives you that right.
If you collect welfare/food stamps, you should be thankful that America thinks enough of you not to force you or your family to starve. Yet, in return for America's assistance, you preach your hatred. Once again, the 1st Amendment says you can do so.
If you are ill or injured and cannot afford the services of a doctor, you can go to a free clinic/ free hospital (courtesy of the taxpayers) and should be thankful that America thinks enough of you not to force you to suffer. Yet, in return you preach your hatred and once again the 1st Amendment says you can do so.
When looking for a job or trying to obtain a promotion, you will get special treatment and preference over me, thanks to Affarmitive Action. In return you preach your hatred against America and its citizens. And once again, the 1st Amendment states we are not allowed to tell you any different.
Yet when your country cried out for aid and assistance, America was usually one of the 1st on the scene, ready to roll up its sleeves and pitch in, in any way we could. For our assistance, you slap us in the face and sneer at us, in utter contempt.
You sneer at America. You sneer at the American people. You sneer at our generosity and compassion. You sneer at our Lord and God. You sneer at our flag. You sneer at the American Family. You sneer at our love for freedom. You sneer at our love for life. You sneer during the playing of our National Anthem. You sneer at the American Government. You sneer at our Pledge of Alliegence. You sneer at our Constitution, which, by the way, states you are allowed to sneer at us.
What other civilized nation puts up what that? What other nation should have to?
What other civilized nation allows you to disagree with the Government, without fear of being punished, silenced, jailed, or simply out-right shot? Where you came from, you could not experience such liberties or freedoms unless you were "politically connected", or were a member of the "social elite". Yet you preach nothing but hatred for America and the American Peoples. The 1st Amendment says you have that right.
If anybody is really that hate-filled about America, or if they think we (as Americans) are just the "ultimate in evil", then they should seriously consider living someplace else, where they may be happier. There are a many other places to live and surely they would be happier some place else. We are not Russia, China, or Cuba. We don't hold our citizens "hostage". Nobody is holding a machine-gun at your face, forcing you to stay. It's really that simple and I don't think it's possible to make it any more simple
I have nothing against immigrants (regardless of who they are or where they are from), who WANT to be here, seeking a better life for their families and themselves and are earning an honest paycheck. In fact, I personally welcome them here. But I have no respect for those who preach their hatred and violence towards America and the American People, yet choose to remain here enjoying our freedoms and civil liberties.
Yes I am a proud American. I will salute my flag. I will sing my National Anthem. I will recite my Pledge of Alliegence. I will worship my Lord and God. I will hold true to my heart all that America is and stands for. I will defend our beliefs and morals from all enemies, foreign and domestic. If those things anger you, or inspire you to hate me, I really don't give a rat's ass.
Yes I am a proud American and an American taxpayer. I too believe in the 1st Amendment and the 1st Amendment gives me the right to say "If you don't love America, then get the hell out and don't let the door hit you, where the Good Lord spilt you".