First, you're 100% right about the uninstall. If you want to remove ANY Norton / Symantec product and avoid system stability issues or conflicts with other software, you have to go to their web site, plow through their "knowledge base," and find the MANUAL uninstall instructions for your product. Using their uninstaller or control panel's "add /remove programs" function will ALWAYS leave junk files behind. In some cases you also need to tweak the registry...NOT a good idea for someone who's a novice.
I use Norton AntiVirus and like it, but have had major headaches with many of their other products. Avoid "SystemWorks 2004" like the PLAGUE...I've read many horror stories about systems that slow to a crawl after installation.
My lawyer uses Norton Internet Security and spends half his day swatting away false positive alerts. When his sunscription runs out I'm going to help him uninstall it and install ZoneAlarm Pro.
Steve Gibson's "Personal Firewall Score Board" is at: Symantec's Firewall:
"Automatic Rule Creation — Just a BAD idea: At my urging, Symantec has changed the default setting for their product family's extremely unsafe automatic firewall rule creation to off. The ONLY WAY automatic rule creation could ever be safe would be if their provided database were to include pre-computed SHA1 hash signatures for known programs. Without pre-computed signatures, and with automatic rule creation enabled, any malicious program can still masquerade as a "known" program to invisibly and silently gain unrestricted access to the Internet. (That's not good.)
My enduring complaint is that NO WHERE does Symantec explain the danger of their automatic rule creation. Therefore unwitting users might turn it on in order to eliminate the pop-up questions which are so necessary for end-user security (in the absence of pre-computed SHA1 hash signatures)."