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Mark Dayton finds his voice (sort of)

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gristy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 10:42 PM
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Mark Dayton finds his voice (sort of)
Just got this in my email. Dayton is the Sr. Senator from Minnesota.

Fr: Sen. Mark Dayton
Re: The Truth About Iraq

As Senator, I've repeatedly stood up to the White House and challenged their so-called "facts." I've opposed their tax cuts, education "reforms", environmental deregulation, and I voted against the war with Iraq.

The fact is, President Bush led the United States into Iraq under false pretenses. His Administration exaggerated any threat Saddam posed the U.S. and deliberately ignored the intelligence that suggested there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Now we know the truth.

At the end of the "active combat" phase of our war in Iraq, when there were fewer than 150 American casualties, George Bush declared the "Mission Accomplished." But since that day, many hundreds of American soldiers have lost their lives, and there's no clear end to the conflict in sight.

Now we know the truth.

Today, two new controversies threaten to further undermine U.S. credibility and our chances for success in Iraq. You and I deserve to know:

What was Dick Cheney's involvement in helping Halliburton secure billions of dollars in military contracts in Iraq?

What was White House and Pentagon policy regarding interrogation procedures for prisoners held in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Even as I write this, the White House is actively thwarting efforts by Congress to fully and thoroughly pursue these important questions.

To keep fighting to make sure the truth is heard, I'm going to need your help. So please, make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even $500 today. We are approaching the end of the fiscal quarter on June 30. Every quarter campaigns must report the money they have raised, and it is an important measure of a candidate's support. Please, send a message to President Bush and his Republican allies that you will continue to stand with me to expose the truth. Anything you can give will help.

For more information, please check my website at:

Please, consider joining my campaign and making a new contribution of $25, $50, $100, or even $500 today.

My very best,

Sen. Mark Dayton

P.S. Remember, it is only with your help that we are able to stand up for the truth!

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mzmolly Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 10:47 PM
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1. Mark Dayton is great these days!
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