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The Founding Fathers Meet George Bush*

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Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:06 PM
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The Founding Fathers Meet George Bush*
June 29, 2004

The Founding Fathers Meet George Bush

by Maureen Farrell

"The American system is the most ingenious system of control in world history," Howard Zinn once wrote. And, while one of the best ways to prove Zinn’s point is to quote him in the first place (Trust me. Someone is bound to protest), if recent history is any indication, many Americans would not only gladly give up freedoms guaranteed under the Constitution, but, in times of duress, have actively distrusted them. Consider the following:

• In the early 1950s, Madison's Capital Times editor John Patrick Hunter took to the streets with a petition, (which was actually the Declaration of Independence, along with portions of the Bill of Rights) and tried to get people to sign it. Only one in 112 did. The rest found it too subversive.
• In May, 1956, Senator A.V. Watkins (R-Utah) "was almost bowled over" when, during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on a new sedition law, an attorney for Americans for Democratic Action cited one of Thomas Jefferson’s more colorful quotes: "I hold that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing." Watkins responded, "If Mr. Jefferson were here and advocated such a thing, I would move that he be prosecuted."
• After some California state employees refused to allow statements from the Bill of Rights to be posted because they were too controversial, Chief Justice Earl Warren admitted: "It is straws in the wind like this which cause some thoughtful people to ask the question whether ratification of the Bill of Rights could be obtained today if we were faced squarely with the issue."
• Years ago, historian Charles S. Beard noted that, "You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence."

Even more recently, in the fall of 2002, a poll indicated that nearly half of all Americans think the First Amendment "goes too far," while in the spring of 2003 (more than a year before B-actor turned President Ronald Reagan was lauded on TV for days on end), a VH-1 poll showed that fifty-four percent of US citizens believe it's "inappropriate" for celebrities to make political statements.

And so, as July 4th approaches, the divide between patriotic Americans who ache to preserve what’s left of our republic and nationalistic Americans who unwittingly embrace empire is more explosive than a beachside fireworks display. Confusingly, however, those in the latter group often shamelessly back any draconian measure the Bush administration takes "in the fight for freedom," while scoffing at concerns over preserving our freedoms at home.
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shraby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:16 PM
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1. I still hold to the old adage that
our system isn't the best but it's a damn sight better than the rest. God help the person who tries to change it cause he's in deep do-do.
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amjsjc Donating Member (203 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:43 PM
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2. The disturbing thing...
Is that 111 people couldn't recognize a copy of the Bill of Rights and Dec. of Independence on sight.

I always wonder though at the people who go apeshit at the notion of touching the ceremonial trappings of the US (ie folks in favor of a flag burning amendment, demand that we keep 'God' in the pledge,etc...) who shrug and twiddle their thumbs when the government tries to make an end run around our Constitutional rights.
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