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Four Bush Job rating bounces in 42 months: 36%, 12%, 4%, 2%

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TruthIsAll Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:11 PM
Original message
Four Bush Job rating bounces in 42 months: 36%, 12%, 4%, 2%
Only Four Bush bounces have taken place in 42 months. And they
were smaller and smaller. The latest is a 2% rise due to the
Reagan funeral.

Bush is running out of steam.

1) 9/11 Trifecta  36%
2) Iraq Invasion  12%
3) Saddam Capture 4%
4) Reagan dies    2%

Now watch his drive (down) next month after F911 does its

ymm	Newsw	Fox	CNN	Pew	Harris	CBS	ABC	Time	NBC	AP	Zogby	Average	Event
102	52	55	57	53	na	53	55	52	na	na	57	54.3	
103	55	56	63	56	56	53	58	55	57	na	53	56.2	
104	57	63	59	53	49	60	63	na	56	na	52	56.9	
105	57	59	53	50	59	56	55	52	na	na	52	54.8	
106	na	59	55	51	50	57	na	na	50	na	51	53.3	
107	na	56	52	52	56	na	59	55	na	na	47	53.9	
108	na	55	51	50	52	53	55	na	na	na	50	52.3	
109	86	81	87	80	na	na	86	84	82	na	82	83.5	Trifecta 9/11
110	84	80	na	84	88	89	92	89	na	na	78	85.5	
111	85	84	87	84	86	87	89	87	88	na	na	86.3	
112	82	86	86	na	82	85	89	82	85	na	81	84.2	
201	na	83	84	80	79	86	86	77	82	77	80	81.4	
202	83	81	82	78	79	84	83	na	na	na	74	80.5	
203	74	80	81	na	77	82	82	75	na	75	74	77.8	
204	71	79	76	74	75	78	79	75	74	72	69	74.7	
205	73	72	77	na	74	76	78	72	75	71	70	73.8	
206	70	74	70	70	70	71	77	70	69	na	69	71.0	
207	68	70	76	67	62	70	72	70	67	67	62	68.3	
208	61	69	68	60	63	65	69	na	na	65	na	65.0	
209	70	66	66	63	68	66	69	65	64	65	na	66.2	
210	61	65	67	na	64	66	67	61	63	63	63	64.0	
211	60	68	63	61	65	63	67	64	na	na	na	63.9	
212	na	65	64	61	64	61	66	55	na	64	64	62.7	
301	56	63	63	58	na	65	59	53	62	64	na	60.3	
302	61	57	61	54	52	59	64	62	54	58	63	58.6	
303	53	60	57	55	na	56	62	54	61	57	62	57.7	
304	71	71	70	67	70	68	71	62	62	51	54	65.2	Iraq invasion
305	65	65	69	65	na	67	71	63	71	64	61	66.1	
306	61	66	64	60	61	67	68	na	62	na	58	63.0	
307	55	60	62	58	na	66	59	55	na	60	53	58.7	
308	53	59	60	56	57	60	59	na	56	58	52	57.0	
309	52	58	52	55	na	55	56	52	na	52	45	53.0	
310	51	52	55	50	59	52	54	na	49	51	49	52.2	
311	52	52	54	50	na	54	56	52	51	52	48	52.1	
312	54	52	63	57	50	60	59	54	58	59	53	56.3	Saddam capture
401	50	58	60	56	na	50	58	54	54	56	49	54.5	
402	48	48	51	48	51	50	50	54	na	47	na	49.7	Kerry primaries
403	48	48	49	46	na	51	50	na	50	48	na	48.8	Clarke testimony
404	49	50	52	48	48	46	51	49	na	48	47	48.8	
405	42	48	47	44	na	41	47	46	47	48	42	45.2	TortureGate
406	na	48	49	48	50	42	47	na	na	48	46	47.3  Reagan Dies

ymm	Newsw	Fox	CNN	Pew	Harris	CBS	ABC	Time	NBC	AP	Zogby	Average	Event
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AVID Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:13 PM
Response to Original message
1.  . . .and the handover today, that bounce?
I'm worried!!
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Doug Decker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-28-04 11:19 PM
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2. Chart form of *'s approval info...
Edited on Mon Jun-28-04 11:21 PM by Doug Decker
can be found here:

More information on * polling can be found on! It's a great site.
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