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Why does the US continue to violate the Geneva Convention

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GregW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 09:27 AM
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Why does the US continue to violate the Geneva Convention
and allow pictures of PoW's to be shown by their media. I mean, Saddam IS A POW, RIGHT?
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Tsiyu Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 09:37 AM
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1. Not Exactly
I suppose as an evil leader, he gets some other qualification.
What I simply do not understand is that guys like O"Riley (misspelling intentional) are saying Michael Moore's film ( which is not showing around here right now but I WILL see it) is harmful to our soldiers. "If they show it around the world, our soldiers will get hurt worse. He is hurting the morale of soldiers, and that is treason, no?" (I paraphrase his sentiments last night).

What really hurts our soldiers is Bush and Rummy and Assholecroft ditching the Geneva conventions so they could engage in some Christian style torture. As a mother of a son who fought over there, I am OUTRAGED. Since no Repukes have kids over there, I guess it doesn't matter to any of them.

What really hurts the morale of our troops is not having enough ammo, food, water, vehicles, and you can't blame that on Moore. Blame it on Cheney, who is essentially taking the money our soldiers should get and paying it to Halliburton. THIS IS TREASON, folks. Sending our kids out there and then abandoning them is hurting morale. Paying your buddy goons is CRIMINAL. I hope they show F911 everywhere, because then people in the world will know we are not all money-grubbing, scum-sucking pukes like Bush, Cheney, Rummy, Condi and Asswipe
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