Mysterious Pentagon contractor SUIA Corporation, who's board consists of a Rogue's Gallery of revolving-door-insiders, has created a "Media Mess" in post-war Iraq, according to the Asia Times:<snip>
"SAIC didn't have any suitable qualification to run a media network," according to Rohan Jayasekera, who has kept an eye on media developments in Iraq for London-based Index on Censorship. "The whole thing was so incredibly badly planned by them that no one could make sense of what they were doing," he said.
Jayasekera noted, for example, that SAIC ordered equipment that was incompatible with existing systems in Iraq and that it had made no plans for TV programming. When it asked for help from VOA, which considers itself a professional news organization, it was forced to rely on hastily patched together and dubbed network news programs, much of which would appeal only to a domestic audience.
"Increasingly, the newscasts became irrelevant for Iraqis," one source told The Washington Post in May. "They're not really interested in the Laci Peterson
A page reserved for the project on the website of the US provisional authority in Iraq said Wednesday, "There is no information available at this time."
Three months into the project, Ahmad Rikabi, a highly-regarded Iraqi expatriate brought in to help manage the operation, abruptly quit, apparently frustrated at the lack of planning, resources and investment that SAIC put in the project and the hemorrhaging of his professional staff, some of whom had not been paid for weeks.
"Saddam Hussein is doing better at marketing himself, through al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya Gulf channels," Rikabi told reporters.
Here's the kicker, Folks.
These are the same Ya-hoos who have been hand-picked by Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell (R) to "review" (read: "Green light") the Diebold touch-screen voting machines (Paperless...for your convenience!) for deployment in Ohio's 88 counties.
(Thanks to Bev Harris, as always)