Copy and pasted from imdb:
Joe Swanson: Peter, it's over.
Peter Griffin: Over? What are you talking about? What kind of talk is that? It's un-American. Did George W. Bush quit even after losing the popular vote? No! Did he quit after losing millions of dollars of his father's money in failed oil companies? No! Did he quit after knocking that girl up? No! Did he quit after he got that DUI? No! Did he quit after he got busted for drunk and disorderly conduct at a football game? No! Did he quit...
Joe Swanson: I get the message, Peter.
Peter Griffin: Look Lois, the two symbols of the Republican Party: an elephant, and a fat white guy who is threatened by change.
Fortunately, as I'm sure you're aware, the show's success on DVD and Cartoon Network has prompted Fox to bring it back next year (,1002,271%7C88317%7C1%7C,00.html).