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80% of Iraqis Want US to Stop Patrolling Cities

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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 03:12 PM
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80% of Iraqis Want US to Stop Patrolling Cities
Over 80% of Iraqis want US and other foreign forces to stop patrolling their cities and make their presence less visible by withdrawing to bases, according to the latest survey by Iraq's best-known polling organization.

Forty-one per cent would feel safer if the forces left Iraq altogether, and only 32% would feel less safe.

In interviews in Baghdad and six other cities, which were completed last Tuesday, the Iraq Center for Research and Strategic Studies also found that pressure is likely to mount on the US and Britain to pull out of Iraq as soon as the country has an elected government in January.

This would be almost a year earlier than the end of the mandate which Washington and London got from the United Nations security council recently. That named December 2005 as the mandate's limit.
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yellowcanine Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 03:17 PM
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1. 80% of Iraqis are going to be unhappy then, because the new "Iraqi"
government is talking martial law and guess who is the only available entity to enforce martial law? If you said the U.S. Military, give yourself a star.
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nostamj Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 03:20 PM
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2. does that mean they'll stop building
the 14 military bases or 'the largest US embassy' in the world?

yo, Iraq! bushco doesn't intend to go anywhere anytime soon.
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stellanoir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-29-04 03:20 PM
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3. can you blame 'em. . .?
by most accounts things are relatively peaceful until the humvee's and tanks show up. . .the all hell breaks loose.

I'm well aware that these are cliches but. . .

Bring 'em home

"Bush '05=Draft '05"
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