I have been frustrated because somehow the words I have been using to describe Dubya and gang have become shopworn.
Through circuitous means, I discovered this--
http://phrontistery.50megs.com/clwdef.htmlWhere I found the following:
fallaciloquence n 1656 -1761
deceitful speech
Your fallaciloquence, though charming, will not convince the jury to acquit.
sil-oh-kwence, a word that applies so entirely to our President, and his administration. I feel immediately better, knowing that there is a more elevated term than lieing. So to take a try at transformation, would the adjectival form be fallaciloquent?
Or for example -- May the tongues rot out of all fallaciloquent bastards, such as yourself.
This is whole leagues better than my previous try at repartee--
Piss off, you vile lying scumbag!
Yep, armed with a word like fallaciloquence, I feel
able to take on Dubya in a fair, high toned debate, despite all his smooth Yalie MBA ways.
Laissez allez, punk-- come and get one in the yarbles, if you got any yarbles, thou cokehead fratboy, thou.!