I'm directing this to Joe even though I am broadcasting it as well, primarily because of the three or four right wing jingoistic comments that I have received (probably as bait) to the effect that the USA should just get out of the rest of the world, especially the United Nations. These comments come generally from hawks, who like to point out how we Americans like to see ourselves as the protectors of democracy.
I just listened to an interview with Stephen Kinzer on the radio. He has done research on the Coup de etat in Iran in 1953 by the CIA. He uses, of all things, the CIA's own documents, 80% uncensored that are now available due to the Freedom of information Act.
The bottom line is this. If the claims by the CIA itself are true in their own documentation, then the CIA has overthrown MORE legally and fairly, democratically elected governments in the last 50 years than the USA Army has toppled of dictatorships.
..... Quite a record actually, including Iran, Chile, Guatemala, and a few others. But also including some failed attempts in Cuba and one other which I forgot though he mentioned it on the radio. The point that Kinzer makes is that the stunning success in Iran was so impressive in Washington D.C., that it became the template for all the Coup de etats that the CIA has conducted since.
My point, on the other hand is that I despise negative talk about the United Nations and World court. Obviously, the USA can't police its own. I think that the CIA should be held accountable for crimes against humanity and crimes against the United States in that they seem to target democracies and favor dictatorships when they install new governments.