Looks as though Dean may be getting some more visits at his meetups.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/964338/postsHe will soon be freeped.
Now bear with me.
I think this shows that the facist psychoes out there in the land of the unwashed and holy, despite their inability to read a book without sounding out every fifth word, know enough to see Dean as a threat.
I know I am putting an optimistic spin on this, and I know that is very out of character for me.
But click the link, read their dumbass comments. Its hilarious.
My personal favorite has to be number Twenty, by someone who calls himself "my pointy head is sharp":
"I see Howard Dean as an arrogant frat boy. His personality seems stuck in his college years. Wonder why I have that impression."
Well, boy genius, does that mean you will be voting for Dean? After all, you have a history of voting for arrogant frat boys who are stuck in their college years.
Yes, I am of course reffering to Bush, that stupid, shit-for-brains cocaine-using alcoholic who somehow got into Yale with just "average" grades, and then somehow got into Harvard with a pathetic GPA.
And you want to talk about being stuck in your college years? Bush was an alcoholic into his forties. And he may still be now.
I don't understand why people admire Bush for all of his terrible qualities (such as his inability to find a coherent sentence even if he had a map drawn in crayon) but then loathe seeing those qualities in others. For example, they hate Gray Davis because he deficit spends and mismanaged the economy. Bush did that on a larger scale and they love him for it.
Just had to get that off my chest