I came to this personal conclusion over the weekend. I took the time to read up and sort past all the noise and just read up specifically on each of the candidates. Ignored campaign stuff, tried to stay out of GD on this place. Tried to talk to other people. And I came to the conclusion that he's the guy for me to sell to my friends and family and to put my individual oomph behind. I like what he brings to the table, and I like the contrasts between both Dean and Bush but Dean and the other candidates. I like the "outsider" status, not only being from outside DC but also having had a succesful career outside of politics prior to entering the fray as VT Governer. And overall just reading about him left me with a very positive feeling that none of the other candidates were able to give me. All of this and more led me to believe that I should get off the fence and work at getting this guy elected. All of this being said I still maintain with 100% conviction the following:
1)I will support the Democratic nominee WHOEVER it is, and yes this includes Leiberman. Don't care how unpopular that sentiment is, and yes he is my very last choice. But if it gets to that low point I will still pull the lever marked "D". 2)I still think the military/foreign policy angle will be a serious achilles heel no matter how absurd it is considering *'s past. If that issue isn't addressed with a carefully selected veep (such as Clark) then I think the task of winning the general election becomes that much more Herculean. I'm not saying this is right or fair, but as we've seen more often than not lately, life isn't always right or fair. Rather than complaining about it we must address it. 3)I still think that having read this board daily and talking to as many people as possible about the candidates, and trying hard to come to my own conclusion about who to support and having raised issues/questions/criticism about each of the candidates, that there is a larger vocal minority of Dean supporters who are much more hypersensitive and thin skinned than there are for any other candidate. It's not the majority by any means and yes, each candidate has them. But I still think that Dean has more of them than anyone else. And in fact it's a testament to Dean himself that he was able to win me over despite my displeasure at all the bickering and the thuggish tactics I had directed at me as an undecided by some of his supporters that I didn't get from supporters of any other candidates. And it's also a testament to the positivity of many of his supporters who DID'NT take this route and who did speak to me only in terms of positives and salesmanship rather than berating me. I thank them.