Edited on Mon Aug-18-03 12:06 PM by GoreN4
As a former Gore supporter now turned Dean supporter, and also someone who admires Wesley Clark, I have a serious question. First, I will state that my #1 choice for 2004 is a Dean/Clark combo, and my #2 choice is a Clark/Dean combo. I say this mainly b/c Dean has a considerable money and grass-roots advantage right now, but I'm praying we will see a Dean/Clark combo in 2004.
IMO, these two men are similar in many important ways (they are both against the Iraq war), smart, progressive, and upset about US foreign policies/unilaterislism. As for the symbiotic aspects of a Dean/Clark combo, Dean has the public policy/governing experience and Clark has the national security/multi-laterialism credentials. Just like Cheney was the "heavyweight" for Bush Jr. in 2000 campaign re foreign policies, I can see Clark adding some gravitas to Dean's foreign policy platform (or vice versa should Clark get a top slot).
It did bother me a little bit that Clark has not declared himself or entered the race yet, but after readng the long Esquire ariticle this weekend I suspect he is not going to enter unless he feels he can ultimately succeed. Clark is a very goal oriented and competitive person, which is a good thing. IMO, Dean needs Clark to fill-in his lack of national security experience, and Clark needs Dean to fill-in his lack of political campaigning and governing skills.
Howard Dean is considered a "controversial liberal" b/c he was so outspoken about the run-up to the Iraq war and that he allowed Civil unions in VT. Now that Wesley Clark is coming out saying the same thing about Iraq, will Clark suddenly become the next "controversial liberal"? Somehow I doubt that will stick. Dean is going to have to deal with the civil union issue, but other than that issue, from a POLICY PERSPECTIVE, how does Clark differ with Dean?
So, that's my question, what are the real POLICY DIFFERENCEs between Howard Dean and Wesley Clark? Please don't give me your "subjective feelings" about either person or a list of their backgrounds, as these men obviously have very different looking resumes, but what I want to know seems to be is a reasonable question. (Given that Clark seems to be stating his positions with more clarity this summer).
Please characterize your answers into either DOMESTIC POLICIY and FOREIGN POLICY. I look forward to responses on the known POLICY differences b/t these two patriotic men. Thanks!