Village Voice question of the day from last week .
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Do you agree with Mayor Willie Brown that the White House is trying to 'destabilize California'?
comments submitted Wednesday, Aug 13th
Yes. Gray Davis is the only person who stood up to the energy robber-barons gaming the energy market. Bush, Cheney, et al, wouldn't get involved. Why should they? Enron was one of their biggest contributors. This recall is a travesty.
San Jose, CA
Absolutely - the recall is obviously part of the the bush junta's election strategy - to take california, florida, and texas BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. These facists are amazing in their ability to get support from the people they hurt the most.
Woodbridge, VA
Of course! That is an absolute no brainer. If the White house hadn't stepped in, why would Issa step down and make way for Arnie after spending his precious car alarm money? I am not a big fan of Gray Davis but I voted for him instead of Bill Simon who is just another Bush cronie. It is very clear that Bush wants to secure California for his re-election bid. If you don't want Bush in 2004 then vote no on the recall California! The Republicans are pissed that they didn't win California and are strong-arming this state into funding 70 million to vote again even though we already did vote in a real election! The Bush administration likes to spend our tax dollars on things that benefit him and his subversive party. Take the Iraq war as an example.
Los Angeles, CA
Yes, the Bush administration is quick to punish anyone not in agreement with them or their policies. Look how Bush and Co handled the opposition to the war in Iraq. France in particular was villified to no end. Other countries lost humanitarian aid much needed by those countries. Here in California, we voted for Gore overwhelmingly and we do not trust Bush at all. For this we are being punished. It is not starting now, it started when Bush/Cheney allowed their Texas cronies to rape California with very high energy costs during our energy crisis. Since they are doubtful they can carry California in 2004, we need to be "taken out."
Santa Monica, CA
(more at link)