A clandestine, often nationalist, organization fostering or planning hostile activities against, or the overthrow of, a government in power, such as an occupying military government: "an underground of dissident intellectuals"
i've always assumed DU was the wild, rebellious little brother of the mainstream democrats. not cookie cutter copies of daschle and gephardt and lieberman, but progressives, activists, hell raisers and butt kickers. sort of the modern day version of the french resistance movement. nationalists in the sense that we love our nation, and hate the fact that we are under an occupying military, imperialist government. but how active are we in the pursuit of overthrowing the government in power?
overthrowing the u.s. government is not a frothing at the mouth radical idea, but it is guaranteed to us constitutionally. look it up. whenever we end up with a corrupt and destructive government, it is our right, and remember, our duty, to overthrow them and remove them. how are we, the underground, manifesting that?
the mainstream, 'aboveground' democratic leaders who represent us in d.c. do not appear like the people i know in my life. they do not have to work two jobs and struggle to keep a roof over their heads. they all look alike to me. they look like aliens from another world. with very few exceptions, they could pass for moderate republicans. i don't see anyone among them who reminds me of myself, or anyone i know for the most part. i do appreciate however, the ones who are showing spine and passion concerning bushco.
damn his ass, but al sharpton reminds me more of my own self than any one of them, and he's totally unelectable. i suppose, if i braced myself and closed my eyes real tight, i might vote for joe, as an anti bush vote, but it'd be rough on me. ultimately, for someone underground, there has to be something more than voting to hasten this peaceful overthrow of the corrupt government.
with the majestic and mysterious electoral college, and a stacked to the right supreme court, is voting even a legitimate tool of change anymore? since the election was stolen with such ease, why not do it again? could the fix already be in? is there even going to be an election? do you think men this evil and bold will give up this much power, after all the trouble they've gone to? these are not the type of men who will suffer being voted out, these are the type who must be o v e r t h r o w n.
the idea of civil disobedience seems to always get instantly shot down. mention spilling into the streets of d.c. and surrounding the white house and you get the little twirly finger to the side of the head motion. perhaps people mistake a violent overthrow with a peaceful one. we needn't storm the bastille, merely surround it and shut it down. there need be no bloodshed, just we the people walking into a building that belongs to us already.
now more than ever, we undergrounders need to crank up the pressure, and bite down harder and get much angrier. especially in the coming months approaching election.
we must plot, and argue, and knock heads, and debate among ourselves, with one focus. we must be the resistance to tyranny that the original revolutionaries were. great britain had to be revolted against. that was a bloody battle. we don't need to shed blood at this point thankfully. let's hope it stays that way. but we cannot simply play mouse to their cat anymore. we cannot be like herbivores, blind to the lions at the parameter. we must resist and remove these men very soon. i have a bad feeling that all hell is about to break loose as we enter into the fourth year of the 21st century. we need to organize the underground.
sure fella, you talk big, but what are YOU doing to take back the country mr. hotshot blowhard? no need to say it, i've heard it. i don't have the answer, but i do know this, i'm in the democratic underground. i'm not alone down in here. we may not all agree on everything, no one can, but we all know why we are here, underground. we can make a revolution happen down in here, in the dark, among the roots and hidden foundations, and underpinnings. we know where all the tunnels are. we know how the machinery runs up there in metropolis, cause we sweat over the machines while they live like kings. we in the underground will throw a big, big wrench into the gears of the machine. but we need to get it together soon.
everyone of you, the mods, the quiet ones, the blowhards and messiahs, dissidents and malcontents, average joes, do what you do, whatever it is, for the cause. resist. viva la Resistance. viva democratic underground. bring them down to our level, and we can pat ourselves on the back later.