I was listening to the radio this morning on the way to work and heard a little tidbit that the federal government was giving fifty million dollars to the RNC for security at their Sept. convention in New York. I thought to myself, hmmm, I wonder if they're giving that much to the Democrats for their Boston convention at the end of the month. Well, I did some digging, and lo and behold, it is worse than I thought:
"Last week the Senate approved an additional $50 million for security at the conventions. That's on top of $50 million already given. Is $100 million really necessary to protect the conventions? Probably not. But when free federal money is involved, rational spending decisions seldom are made.
The total tab for security at the Republican National Convention in New York is expected to hit $76 million. In much smaller Boston, the tab for protecting the Democratic National Convention is set, for now, at $50 million. Conveniently, that happens to be the same amount the city expects to get from the federal government for security expenses."
First off, I want to know why our money is going to provide security for ANY political party, but also, I would like to know why they see fit to give twice as much to the 'Pugs? Do they perceive that there is going to be that much of a threat? Or are they simply afraid that ordinary people are going to be pissed off enough to take over their precious convention? What do you think?