Is Not Enough
August 11, 2003
From the Streets of Little Beirut
By Glen Yeadon
By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.
He lied and now the country is bogged down in two Vietnam like quagmires. Both Afghanistan and Iraq have rapidly descended into guerilla wars. The US forces in Afghanistan control little more than the city of Kabul. The countryside is controlled by the Taliban. The body count from Iraq is averaging one a day since Bush strutting like a peacock with a ego problem in a custom designed flight suit proclaimed the end of the Iraqi war on deck of the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln. He lied that the aircraft carrier was still in route to port. It was circling offshore waiting for his photo op. He lied and it cost the taxpayers a million dollars for that photo op. It delayed the reunion of the sailors with their families by a full day. He lied about his military record, his rich daddy bought him a spot in the National Guards and then he deserted. He lied and good men are still dying in Iraq.
He lied about Gulf War illness. The first lie said it was pneumonia. At least a hundred men and women have become ill. Several have died from this mysterious illness. He lied about it. He then tried to cover it up. Josh Neusche was one of those stricken with the illness. He was sent to Germany in a coma. While in a coma the Smirk regime classified Josh as medically retired without his or his parents’ approval. Under this classification, the Department of Defense was not obligated to provide funds for his parents to visit him before he died. His parents were unable to afford the airfare to Europe. His unit raised the money for his parents travel expenses to Germany and should be commended for the act. While in Germany Josh’s father overheard the nurses talking about getting ready for hundreds of similar cases and personally witnessed 55 new cases arrive. He lied and tried to prevent the parents from seeing their dying son for one last time to cover up his lie.
He lied about the looting and arson in Iraq. A recent report supports the conclusion that the arson is well organized. Looters obviously have something to gain. However, the arsons gain nothing unless they are paid by someone, they just risk their lives. A reporter witnessed a government building being looted, following the looting two blue buses arrived full of people. Those people aboard the buses then proceeded to torch the building. They then reboarded the buses and sped away to outside Baghdad. It was obvious they were well organized. US troops stood by and watched as the building was looted and then torched. In another incident witnessed by the reporter, an Arabic speaking US soldier invited the on looking crowd to loot and trash Baghdad University. The arsons have nothing to gain by their action in destroying government documents including the Iraqi equivalent to deeds. However, once the Iraqi documents have been destroyed any US corporation or individual is free to file a claim on that land. He lied, and Corporate America is plundering Iraq.