HI guys.
I've been thinking. Is it really so wise to put so much emphasis on winning back the presidency that we risk any chance of real change by neglecting the Congress. Even if Dean, Kerry, or whoever, wins the Whitehouse, the right wing will still be in control of the Law making aperatus of Congress. This leaves us with a president that only has the Bully Pulpit and veto power. I think instead of focussing every bit of every ounce of energy on the presidency, we should also contemplate a strategy to win back the Senate. The Democrats can use the Senate Judidiary Commitiee to initiate investigations into everything that this administration has tried to hide. Don't yall remember when Dick Cheney had to beg Tom Dashel not to investigate 9/11. Now we see why. There is no way they could have hidden that Saudi info if the Senate Democrats were conducting their own investigation. I think that we could accomplish a sort of political re-alignment with this strategy by exposing as much as we can instread of focusing just on gaining the Whitehouse and leaving the law making apperatus in the hands of the Republicans. In closing, I think we need to do all that we legally can to get Bush out of the Whitehouse. However I also think that we need to also take Hillary's suggestion: take an asprin, calm down, and think out a rational strategy to not only return to power, but to build a new progressive legacy for the 21st century.