The Colombianization of Afghanistan
ZW: Well, some people even say that this is a very costly venture, it costs about 1.9 billion dollars, the Afghanistan operation, and some people will say that Washington might actually be involved in the drug production and sales in order to fund its operations in Afghanistan. They would remind people of what was happening in Central America, but also in the Golden triangle, in Laos and Cambodia. So I would not be surprised. This is becoming a very serious problem.
ZW: Well, as you know, we have a major operation in Colombia, and in fact, Geraldo, I was just watching television, he was reporting from Colombia, as you know, the US is now giving Columbia a billion dollars a year, and there are hundreds of US, both marine and civilians operating this. It�s very clear that Afghanistan, as I said, is now the number one heroin producer. The UN and everybody would testify to that. Nearly 4,500 tons of heroin have been produced in a given year - this was last year. And there is suspicion that the government of the United States might be part of that.
Dr. Zaher Wahab was born and raised in Kabul, Afghanistan. He has spent the last 30 years as a professor at Lewis & Clark University in Portland,
Oregon, USA. He is a three-time Fulbright scholar, and recently spent almost a year in Afghanistan advising the minister of education, as the Afghan people attempt to rebuild their country in the wake of the United States� invasion.
I spoke to Wahab about many things, but for a few minutes, we touched on a topic close to the hearts of Narco News readers - the U.S. role in drug trafficking. Latin America may not have a monopoly on narco-states for long...