Please forward widely, and make phone calls...we have less than 24 hours to mobilize people!
Attorney General John Ashcroft is coming to Cleveland tomorrow, Wednesday, 8/20. He will be speaking at the Renaissance Hotel on Public Square in downtown Cleveland. So we will be there too! For more info on what he's doing here in Cleveland, go to www.cleveland.indymedia.org
Protest at noon on Public Square. Bring signs, banners, fliers, puppets, cameras, etc.
It is vital that we speak up against the man who is the driving force in implementing the USA Patriot Act. Gather your friends, co-workers, fellow students, lawyers, librarians, and all who oppose the emerging police-state.
This will be a peaceful gathering, but Ashcroft and his cronies consider dissent to be "tactics (that) only aid terrorists, for they erode our national unity and diminish our resolve." So we suggest you come and go in groups, watch each other's backs, and make sure that leaders and photographers don't get targeted.
"Not in Our Name will you erode the very freedoms you have claimed to fight for...Not by our mouths will we let fear silence us...We pledge alliance with those who have come under attack for voicing opposition to the war or for their religion or ethnicity..."
Not in Our Name, Cleveland 216-732-3319 www.nioncleveland.org for more info on Ashcroft and the Patriot Act: www.notinourname.net