From a Clark supporter, just saw on MSNBC a great Dean
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:30 PM
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From a Clark supporter, just saw on MSNBC a great Dean |
quote. He said that it didn't matter what anyone called him. They could call him a liberal, they could call him a centrist or they could call him a moderate as long as they called him Mr. President after the election
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:30 PM
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:36 PM
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I've noticed Dean is one of the few who will say "WHEN I'm president" instead of "IF I'm elected president". The power of positive thinking!
protect freedom impeach bush now
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:39 PM
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Be it a "Clark-Dean" ticket OR a "Dean-Clark".
They would make an UNbeatable ticket to the White House.
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:46 PM
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I guess great minds think alike, though I really should read ALL the posts before posting.
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:41 PM
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Edited on Tue Aug-19-03 06:41 PM by tameszu
And I think I know where he got it from:
It's a riff on this great medical joke--
Q: What do they call the guy who finishes last his class in med school?
A: Doctor.
Yeah, baby...
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Tue Aug-19-03 06:45 PM
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Dean/Clark or Clark/Dean.
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Tue Aug-19-03 07:27 PM
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7. Have heard that many times before |
It's his stock answer to the expected query about "liberal." Am crazy about Howie, but have now switched to Clark, with Graham as VP and Dean in cabinet.
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Tue Aug-19-03 07:46 PM
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8. I'd be happy to call him Mr. President |
President Dean, President Howard Dean. 44th President of the United States. A duly elected President that wins the popular vote of the people and governs for the people. Unlike #43 who was appointed by the Supreme Court and governs only for the rich and at the pleasure of his corporate oil buddies.
I would be thrilled to snicker at the one termer bu$h who was never elected by the people. bu$h would really deserve that footnote in history.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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