Greg Palast on CNN now
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Tue Aug-19-03 09:50 PM
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Edited on Tue Aug-19-03 09:53 PM by Nashyra
Just said that the energy problem had to be traced back to the "dim bulb in the WH" I loved it Aaron Brown just smiled.
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Tue Aug-19-03 09:51 PM
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1. Is he rockin' n rollin' yet? |
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Tue Aug-19-03 10:21 PM
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2. What's unbelievable is that Aaron said nice meeting you to Greg |
at the end....Greg's never been on the program before? Better late than never but....
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Tue Aug-19-03 11:52 PM
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3. Repeats one more time for the night owls |
Edited on Wed Aug-20-03 12:04 AM by Bushfire
check your local listings...
on edit:
45 mins past the hour for the Palast segment if you normally can't stand CNN
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Wed Aug-20-03 12:16 AM
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Glad you told the time, so I can fast forward. Aaron Brown has some good days. Then I start to trust him. Then he takes a right turn. He is better than some there.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:06 AM
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