Most here are probably not aware of the swing voter. The media did not talk of it much but it was central in the minds of Republican campaign strategy planners. Here are a couple of articles to explain it.Bush is simply buying votes for the 2004 election in swing states just like in 2000.The election was so fixed by the Republicans that liberal Greens whom left the Nader camp known as Nader Raiders started vote trading,to stop the vote buying. And the Republicans filed lawsuits to try and stop it but failed. The Republicans actually spent more on Naders campaign ads then Nader did himself.
Also most of the Nader Raiders were key campaign planners for Nader. They even wrote most of the ads that the Republicans were buying from Nader to steal the liberal vote. So they defected to the Green Democratic Party, because they never intended to work on the Bush campaign. BACKERS BUY ADS FOR NADER IN SWING STATES
Ralph Nader's goal to get George W. Bush elected got a push from a pro-Bush committee yesterday, the Republican Leadership Council. According to a 10/27/00 AP story, the RLC has made an ad consisting of footage of Nader attacking Gore and is buying $10,000 worth of ad time to be used to keep the Bush lead in Oregon and to move Bush ahead in Washington and Wisconsin, two states that are up for grabs.
The AP also noted that the RLC ad buy for Nader comes at a very good time for the Green Party candidate, since he doesn't have the money to afford the cost of the ad campaign the Republicans are launching for him: "Nader, running a low-budget campaign, is not currently airing any television commercials of his own and it's possible that the RLC will end up spending more on pro-Nader media than Nader himself." just six days before the presidential election, regulators may have a hard time shuttering online vote swapping, a practice that has taken hold recently in light of the tight race between Al Gore and George W. Bush.
Vote swaps are agreements between two parties from different states to vote for either Gore or Green Party candidate Ralph Nader. The online arrangements are causing headaches for California election officials, but whether the practice is unlawful remains up for debate, as no exchange of money occur