:mad: Okay, does it sound like a smart PR strategy to send mail to someone who is not and has never been a Republican solicitations asking me to RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP in the RNC?!!!! How about mail calling me a REGISTERED REPUBLICAN?!! (I actually called the Board of Elections to see if I was listed mistakenly as a Republican; answer -- NO, with the clerk laughing and telling me "they got you.") How about mail to my spouse (citizen of a European country, therefore, unable to vote here)with a nomination to some Repuke Business groups, for the modest fee of $5000 (or, if refused, a grand or two for the honor of the nomination)? All of this crap is full of the most egregious cliches about the big, bad Democrats, and the nominations to the business groups make it SO clear that $$$$$ buys access.
Now, I can see parties trying to win people over in a variety of ways -- e.g., those newsy chats from our Congresspeople. But telling me that I'm a Republican?!! Do they think I would space out and think, "oh, yeah, I'd better renew that membership that I didn't realize I have"? Just reason #1,201 why I will never vote for any Republican in this lifetime. I'm starting to feel paranoid, though. Have any of you received stuff like this?