Edited on Wed Aug-20-03 04:02 PM by tom_paine
ON EDIT: I am such a MORAN! Did I call it the "Bob and Dave Show"?
I have read a couple times and heard also that he is a big DU fan.
Well, I just wanted to let him know that many of us DUers, including myself are HUGE fans of his.
No, I'm not looking to "out" his ID (even if I knew it) I am just writing this because I think there is a good chance he'll see it and I wanted to thank him for all the fantastic belly laughs and entertainment he and Bob gave us over the years and to hope that occasionally my posts "entertained" him (obviously, not in the way that he entertained us...this is deadly serious business that DU is engaged in...nothing less than the future of our Democratic Republic is at stake)
Further, I want to list a tribute of some of their funniest skits that made me laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh...
The Burgundy Loaf "What's a Gorgotion?" (includes Secret Superstar and Bloopers) Sweetie Pie Jonas/Injekshun Productions The Nostradamus Skit "Your genitals may bleed of their own accord." The Queen of England skit "after everyone goes..you and I shall stay behind and bandy tithering!" Ronnie/Coppers/"Y'all been brutalizin' me" The Adventures of Byron T. Lebeckwith the 524th? "I'm sorry Byron, I cain't procreate the species with you no more. I am 1/86th African-American." The Fetus Beauty Pagent "'Am I a pioneer? I guess I am.' 'I didn't aks you that.'" The Feel Good Special Choice Awards "I'm David Cross, and I play a bald man on TV -- but I really am bald" "Hey guys, Kate and I are getting married!" Favorite line: "I went full-on Jackie Chan on him!"
So EVERYONE! ESPECIALLY THOSE BOB-N-DAVE FANS! Keep this thread kicked! And hey, add your own favorite Bob-n-Dave skits to the list!
David Cross -- You Rock!