Thirty-one cents of every dollar spent on health care in the United States pays administrative costs — nearly double the rate in Canada, according to a new comparison that sees colossal bureaucratic waste in the American system.
RESEARCHERS WHO prepared the comparison said Wednesday that the United States wastes more money on health bureaucracy than it would cost to provide health care to the tens of millions of uninsured Americans.
Americans spend $752 more per person per year than Canadians on medical administrative costs alone, according to the study by investigators from Harvard University and the Canadian Institute for Health Information that was published in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine.
The team, led by Steffie Woolhandler of Harvard, said a large sum of money might be saved in the United States if administrative costs could be trimmed by implementing a Canadian-style, single-payer health care system.
<snip>, that horrible, wasteful "socialized" medicine... :eyes:
It's pretty obvious when you just think about it that the U.S. healthcare "system" is burdened with massive bureaucracy, with all the overlapping and competing HMOs and insurance companies and parts of that bureaucracy fighting each other over whether a patient is allowed to get some treatment and for what price... here are some numbers to prove it again.
Are any of the Democratic candidates using data like this to support their positions on healthcare?