Taxes are the very LEAST of it. We all need to do as much as we can to prevent ANY Repug from taking this coup masquerading as an "election."
From a thead I started on Aug. 15: UP and Kiss Democracy -- AND the 2004 election -- goodbye
I keep reading threads where the California Recall is not taken seriously, OR worst of all, somehow seen as having some benefits.
People, it's DEADLY serious and the folks of California have GOT to find a way to not let Arnold or any other Repug get elected. And the rest of us have to help in whatever way we can.
Here's why -- and I've posted this to a bunch of threads and I'm getting tired of repeating myself:
If Arnold (or probably any other Repug) wins, we WILL lose California in 2004. That's a given. There's no doubt about it.
In fact, they were already preparing "the back story" for it before Arnold even announced. Just a few days before his announcement there was an article in the WP, I believe, to the effect that Bush/CHeney think they can take CA and NYC, that they're ripe for the picking. We ALL know that with free and fair elections, that would be a lie since these two are such heavily Dem (blue) states. But where we have computerized voting machines, we don't have free and fair elections any more and there's still a rush going on to get computerized voting machines in place.
So they're getting ready for another round of vote fraud and that article and others like it are just the setup so it won't seem so outlandish. They stole FL, they stole GA in 2002 (and other races elsewhere), and with Repug governors they sure as hell CAN steal CA and NY.
Here's why they want Arnold: he knows NOTHING but he's got name recognition and adulation as a star out to yang-yang. They won't even let him talk anymore, now that it's clear he can't discuss the issues at all.
Hell, Rove probably promised him that he'd give him all the help he needs, so he'd be a star in office. Maybe lured him with that off-the-wall Constitutional Amendment by Mitch McConnell which would eradicate the Constitutional provision you have to be a born native of the US to run for President.
All they have to do is this:
1. Get Arnold in
2. Send Bush to CA a bunch of times for some glitzy photo-op stuff for Arnold like Bush does that makes people believe he's doing something
3. Let Bush do some wonderful things that make Californians happy and makes it look really good for Arnold too
4. Get polls showing increasing Bush support (yes, polls are skewed these days, esp. if you get the right pollster who will call the right people and ask the right questions). That alone will make some fools who aren't paying enough attention think about actually voting for "a winner and popular guy like Bush" in 2004.
5. Steal the election. If the voting machines are all or even mostly computerized, let me tell you this: it's a done deal. No contest.
AND, with this ballot nightmare for non-computerized voting areas, it's going to be such a nightmare it will make Florida look like a walk in the park. People will be clamoring for those electronic touch-screens.
Here's how it's going to work: Each county has a different ballot. The names aren't listed alphabetically, but rather in the order the letters were randomly pulled in the lottery they had a week or so ago. In one county Z may be the first letter listed on the ballot, followed by R, B, F, A, etc. In another county, the order is R, W, C, K, etc. IT'S A NIGHTMARE. I can't think of any way to make it more confusing, more anti-voter and anti-democracy other than printing the ballots in invisible ink. And you can bet whoever came up with this scheme is a Repug, or perhaps a "Theresa LePore Democrat."
That means if I go into the poll knowing who I want to vote for, I'll have to read through all or most of 6 ballots to even find my candidate. A lot of jurisdictions still use punchcards. With 150 names on the ballot, even a speed reader will take a long time to vote for their candidate.
If there's any turnout at all -- which is, of course, exactly what we want -- it will take hours and hours for a handful of people to vote. How long will it take to read through 150 names on 6 punchcards? THOS ALONE NEEDS TO BE CHALLENGED IN COURT.
After this nightmare, people will be BEGGING for computerized voting, and election officials will be scrambling to get them.
WAKE UP, PEOPLE. We've got to get busy on this recall garbage and defeat it. You don't have much time. Le Taz Hot and Capn Sunshine are actively working on it. Contact them and see if you can help them out. Here's one email list on the subject (not very active):
C'mon folks, they're stealing our democracy right out from under us. Let's get busy on the Recall and the voting machines issue and NOT let up. We WILL lose CA if Arnold gets in AND/OR we don't fix the voting machine problem. Mark my words. I've never been surer of ANYthing.