Some California Republicans Echo Gov. DavisBy Evelyn Nieves
Thursday, August 21, 2003; Page A05
While Gov. Gray Davis is trying hard to convince California Democrats that the election to recall him is bad for democracy, some Republicans are now saying the same thing.
Scott Barnett, a San Diego businessman, has created a political action committee, and a Web site -- -- to try to help the incumbent stay in office.
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Activist Coalitions Pursue Iraq Weapons Claim With polls showing that a majority of the public believes the Bush administration exaggerated the evidence for going to war in Iraq, Democrats and activists are eager to keep the issue going. Hundreds of antiwar advocates today plan to question administration claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction that have yet to materialize, arguing the White House has failed to justify the invasion.
Members of the Win Without War and United for Peace and Justice coalitions will blitz nearly 60 House Democratic offices as well as four Republican and one Democratic Senate office, according to spokeswoman Jessica Smith. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.), who is holding a forum on the subject in Shoreline, Wash., today, said in an interview yesterday he believes Congress should conduct a bipartisan inquiry into the matter.
time to write some letters to congress and demand an investigation?