Edited on Thu Aug-21-03 07:02 AM by mopaul
just a crazy theory, but it looks like the president has broken all but maybe one of the ten commandments, and as we are constantly reminded, he is a godly man, a christian man. snicker snicker.
1. you shall have no other gods before me. bush has many gods before the god of abraham. the god of money, greed, nationalism, the god of war, and the false god of pat robertson, jerry falwell and john ashcroft. in fact, bush seeks to make himself the lord of all the world, in the form of american imperialism. nationalism has become our collective new religion. the worship of a nation, a flag, a crusade.
2. you shall not worship graven idols. bush does this all the time. using the flag as an idol to worship and whip up false pride and war fever. and the 10 commandments themselves are sometimes set up in front of courthouses, in the form of a 2 ton idol. perhaps the idol he worships most is the dollar sign.
3. you must not misuse the name of the lord, your god. not only has he used the GD word on many occasions, i don't think that's what god meant. he uses the name of god to coral and cajole christian voters into voting republican. and he uses the name of god to justify mass slaughter and a crusade against another of god's sects. simply uttering the name of god by a man this deeply evil is blasphemy in itself. saddam does it all the time.
4. remember the sabbath day by keeping it holy. we all backslide a little on this one right? rarely, bush goes to church as a photo op, but i'm sure he has broken this commandment many times. i don't think the billions coming into bushco and haliburton stop for a breather on sundays. and if people are dying in iraq on a sunday by his order, surely this can't bode well for keeping the sabbath holy.
5. honor your mother and father. he keeps this commandment very well right? sure, they made him what he is today. a monster with a lump of coal for a heart. and he honors dad by pretending to be president when in reality dad is slaughtering thousands of innocents for mega profits which jr. will inherit. evil begets evil. is there anything really 'honorable' going on here? of course not.
6. you shall not murder. shouldn't this be the first commandment, instead of the 6th? but i won't question jehova. how many people have died NEEDLESSLY under presidents named george bush? the true number will never be known will it? el salvador, guatemala, grenada, panama, afghanistan, and now iraq. the numbers of slaughtered is always a fluid, plastic thing, but we can estimate. and we can safely say that hundreds of thousands of people, combatants and innocents alike have been murdered under bush orders. i just hope god is keeping count. and just think of all the murders to come. this century could easily makes last century's death count seem minute.
7. you shall not commit adultery. while it has never been proven, it has definitely been rumored. and there is another nasty rumor about jr. and an abortion for a young lady, and frequent trips to mexico for secret trysts with 'fallen' women. he was a draft dodger, cocaine user, black out drunk, so surely somewhere in there among all that debauchery he strayed from the path of marital virtue. anyway, his dad sure did.
8. you shall not steal. where can i begin?....harken, arbusto, savings and loan scandal, enron, worldcom, haliburton, the treasury, tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, workers comp, minimum wage, soldiers benefits, social security, and on and on. perhaps no other white house has stolen so much as this one. stealing and killing is standard procedure in the bush family. that's how you get to be a bush.
9. you shall not give false testimony. george has been very sinful in this regard, and has surely offended the lord mightily. clinton was politically assassinated for one, humiliating but trivial lie. bush has lied literally thousands of times, on camera, so it's not mere conjecture. it could even be said that he lies 95% of the time. just read any of his transcripts, whether he is speaking off the cuff, or from his trusty teleprompter, and a lie pops up every 90 seconds or so on average. and he's not even a good liar. reagan, now there was a good liar. lied 150 times, under oath, (which makes it extra special sinful according to the repubs), and got away with it. but i'm sure, that a little research will show that bush is in fact the biggest liar ever in the white house. he definitely lied to the whole world about iraq and the reasons for invading and conquering it.
10. you shall not covet your neighbor's house, or his wife, or his slaves, or his ox or donkey, or anything belonging to him. or his oil, his land, his ancient artifacts, his wealth, his very freedoms either. george can really covet. he and his apostles of tyranny are currently coveting the entire world and all its peoples and riches. has there ever been such a monstrous collective coveting? not since Napoleon or hitler. yes, he wants EVERYONE'S house, and ox, and donkey.
protecting the flag, and protecting the 10 commandments rolls around every few years as a republican distraction, and as a lightning rod for republican hardcore voting base. but it's ultimately a silly, masturbatory waste of time and energy and taxpayer dollars. we don't need 2 ton granite copies of the biblical commandments plastered everywhere to remind us that sin is sinful. and why should we bother obeying them, when our own president disregards them utterly?