Hey, what happened to BushCo's WMD 'surprise?'
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:08 AM
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Hey, what happened to BushCo's WMD 'surprise?' |
Wasn't their handpicked WMD inspector supposed to 'reveal' some spectacular WMD find?
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:10 AM
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...it isn't close enough to the 2004 election, yet.
Old and In the Way
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:12 AM
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2. WMD is scheduled for release next month. |
August is never a good time to market a new political product.
Interesting that we outsource our search for WMD to a private company, don't you think? Maybe this administration can't trust the military to keep the plant from going public?
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Thu Aug-21-03 11:24 AM
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With things going the way they are for bushco, they almost have to release in September. I don't think they can let him slip much more before the election
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:15 AM
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3. Hasn't been six months yet |
They've all but conceded there's no "spectacular" evidence. Instead, they've opted for making a one-time dump of gazillions of intertwined documents, something so architecturally dense we'll be poring over it and arguing the data points for years. They're calling it Big Impact. The fuckers...
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Thu Aug-21-03 11:27 AM
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9. Thats what they did w/the Clinton impeachment "Report" |
Dumped an unorganised mess of documents on congress as proof. "Look how high the stack is!" seemed to be their biggest proof
Brian Sweat
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Thu Aug-21-03 02:19 PM
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13. Let's just call there bluff |
As soon as they dump the docs, let's just announce that there is nothing in them.
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:19 AM
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Thu Aug-21-03 07:21 AM
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5. It had an unfortunate accident at the Canal Hotel |
Not to worry, though. The FBI is analyzing samples for a report to Congress.
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Thu Aug-21-03 11:21 AM
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6. Same thing that happens with all his "surprises" |
No OBL. Remember a few weeks ago, they were "hours" aways from catching SH. We never hear about him anymore. Remember the flowers? Remember the "cakewalk?" Remember how we were supposed to be out of Iraq in 2 months? Remember how Rummy KNEW where the weapons were?
It's all bullshit and I think (according to the latest polls), people are starting to catch on.
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Thu Aug-21-03 11:23 AM
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I'd like to condense your list into a bumper sticker!
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Thu Aug-21-03 12:10 PM
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Edited on Thu Aug-21-03 12:12 PM by ameriphile
Now that name really takes me back...
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Thu Aug-21-03 11:42 AM
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10. You mean like those mobile labs? |
Let's face it, Bush has pissed off the CIA and it won't be backing him up. Besides, his creditability is shot.
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Thu Aug-21-03 02:06 PM
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That's why he's got David kay in there.
Interesting though...do you think that the CIA is going to sit idly by and let Kay make them look incompetetent with a bunch of hyped material?
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:05 AM
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