just what's in public record is enough to gag a hyhena....yet it is pablum to this creepy society of ours! consider: 1)the JFK assassination is accepted by most as a cold blooded political murder by secret gang in our government.. 2)NORC results show bush not elected, and all the hassles that we experienced since election still thought of as seperately from main drama (takeover of USA by GOP) 3)the media is blatantly pro bush, yet it remains the news source of the herd 4)the american people were blackmailed into supporting the war vs iraq by sending 100k plus troops over before any legal way to use them 5)national debt worse then anyone imagines, yet plunge protection team operates w/out mention by mediawhores 6) the media are aggressively bush whores, but again.... 7) 18081(?) 8) algore afraid of arousing class consciousness so drops out and disappears from news 9) the VRWC was well known fact, the impeachment of Clinton the result of it, yet no one cares 10) the foolish official story re 911 basically ignored (the 19 hijackers are many alive, the passport found in rubble, the ph call from olsen which id'ed the hijackers as arabs, CNN obviously prepared script) 11) the instant pronouncement that flight 587 crash was just accident, not terror....the same scenerio worked for the blackout (point is, the event themselves fill fox/cnn newstime, thinking they're terrorist acts just fuck up bushwaco, so mediawhores reassure the herd etc) 12) frist a cat torturer, now headman of gop 13) the hurryup quick cleanup of WTC site, the 'flipping of the WTC 3 times in weeks prior 911, the billions made in airline stock, the billionaire blomberg buying office of NY mayor, as if Ny'ers need more secretive backroom dealings to sort out! 13) and so on as kurt V use to say