We don't win the independents by assuming that a Bush-lite agenda will get their vote. Voting for Bush is an affirmation of fascism. People have to be educated as to the definition of fascism.
Indies are looking for change; they are very much aware that things have come unglued under Bush. They just need a push. The push must come from the left, not from the center where they already live.
Assume the electorate is composed of 35% Dems, 35% Repubs, 30% independents. It's our JOB to enlighten the indies and win them over by speaking TRUTH to POWER. This is a winning strategy. We just might get 3% of the 35% Repubs who are seeing the light (i.e. military, libertarians, etc.) and just want a confirmation to desert Bush. This pro-active approach is best exemplified by people who speak out clearly against Bush in ALL areas: Gore, Dean, Graham, Byrd, Kucinich, Waxman, McDermott and Sharpton. And Conason, Palast, Corn, Franken, Ivins, the Dixie Chicks, Michael Moore, etc.
This is how we lose: By appauding Bush for his MISTAKES and CRIMES (i.e. taxes, Iraq, 9/11, stolen elections), thereby confusing the indies who are now disposed to "kick the bastards out". Bush apologists like Lieberman, Kerry, Gephardt, Feinstein and Biden are guilty of clouding the issues by not aggressively speaking out against BushCo's political, social, economic and foreign policy CRIMES.
At the rate Bush is going down in the polls, he may well hit 35% by election day - but only if we keep the pressure on. And by drifting that far down in the polls, he won't be able to steal it again.
In other words, we win by aggressively demonstrating the TRUTH, and exposing the LIES. If we set our goal, the final numbers can be:
Dem 33 + Indep 20 (of 30) + Repub 3 = 56% Dem, 44% Bush (toast)