(Is this like a blog within a forum?)
So Wesley Clark is going to announce something within a couple of weeks. There would be little drama if he decides to run, except in regards to which party will it be for.
If he decides not to run, the drama level increases significantly. What role would he play? For whom? Would he continue to act as an independent? Or would he at least specify a party affiliation? It seems if he has ambitions to be part of some future administration, he would at least have to indicate a loyalty to a party.
He is already quite visible and evidently sought after on the news talk shows, a format in which he usually excels. We already know he is advising Dean on foreign policy issues. Perhaps a likely scenario is that he would decide not to run, but accept a more formalized role as an advisor. Which we all know would include consideration for something else down the road- VP. or Sec. of State perhaps.
Next up:
Would the world be different today if Al Gore had chosen Dianne Feinstein as a running mate instead of Joe Lieberman?
I participated in a conference call with Howard Dean last night, and I wanted to repeat something that he said. In response to a question about how he would approach the problems in the Middle East, Dean said (paraphrasing)-
"You can't stop the terrorism if you don't stop the funding, and the funding is coming from Saudi Arabia. " Just like that. :o
He also responded to a question about his top three priorites if he were to be elected by saying that #1 is creating jobs, and part of the plan to create jobs lies in developing a renewable energy industry. :-)
He may not be perfect, but he sure is speaking to ME.
(Disclosure- I am a volunteer for Dean, although I disagree with him on a couple of things- death penalty, gun laws.)
Finally, there is a pretty cool techno mix/Dean speech that my friend Phyllis put together. Here is the host site:
http://www.nettonemidas.com/nettonemidas/dean/and you should be able to just play the mp3 from here;