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The list of those who might attack U.S. and U.N. in Iraq is long

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votein04 Donating Member (143 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:26 PM
Original message
The list of those who might attack U.S. and U.N. in Iraq is long
The list of those who might attack U.S. and U.N. in Iraq is long: Saddam loyalists, foreign terrorists, criminals and angry Iraqis

A fired police office, an unpaid Iraqi soldier, a band of black marketeers whose dealings were disrupted by pesky police patrols. A terrorist cabal or two _ or maybe 20 _ with differing goals but similar tactics. A drunk with a grudge and a grenade.


I'm sure you all have noticed how Paul Bremer and Junior have moved quickly to identify this as "terrorism". Obviously, we shouldn't be surprised. It's in the administrations interest to simplify it for the American public into the old "us and them" parameters.

The truth of the matter is Iraq is made up of tribes with tribal codes of behaviour. One of the core tribal beliefs is you hurt one you hurt the whole tribe, and you can expect revenge.
All of the innocent civilians that were killed, injured, searched, and humiliated during this occupation had loved ones. Most had tribal affiliations. You see what I'm getting at.

We have created the terrorism that is upon us now.
Bush & Co. need to pass it off as part of the ongoing war on if the terrorists we're seeing in Iraq now were either going to fight us there or we'd have been seeing them in New York.

It's BS and don't miss any opportunities to explain that to people.
Sure....let's be fair and honest with our repuke brothers...some of the terrorism that occurs will be perpetrated by established terrorists who travel to Iraq to attack the US...but I believe the majority of the daily killing of US troops by gunfire and bombs has been and will be by angry Iraqis.

If my entire family was blown up by a smart bomb, I don't know what I'd do. Killing a few of those I see as guilty might not seem like a bad idea....especially if I fell into despair and started drinking and feeling like life is a complete wash.

This war has bred terrorists...simple.

We could invade, kill a few thousand locals, and occupy France next. Does anyone think terrorism wouldn't spring up there if that took place?

Well for krist sake, let's take the battle to them before they bring it to us!!!! Let's get some troops on the ground in Paris and smoke out some terrorists!! /sarc
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shockandawed Donating Member (141 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:35 PM
Response to Original message
1. You are exactly right (I mean correct)
Calling people who hate you terrorists and freedom haters pretty much simplifies any issue, and makes anyone who questions the reasons and policies that angered those who attacked us a terrorist sympathizer.

Americans must somehow learn that although the average American is an innocent, that their government is offending and impacting people all over the world and that we are not always right, even though the average American firmly believes that meaning well is enough.

It is inevitable. A society rises up, is admired, then thinks it can do no wrong, calls those who attack it subversive, ignore the problem altogether, then get picked apart. It is just sad it is now happening to America.

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Mal Donating Member (213 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 02:56 PM
Response to Original message
2. The Iraq war has bred no terrorists.
It has bred freedom fighters, and the UN was a legitimate target.
If you aid the occupation, you are the enemy.
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FloridaPat Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Aug-23-03 03:10 PM
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3. A small but interesting note about the bombing that is being
overlooked almost everywhere - the World Bank and the IMF were also in that building. Everyone hates them. They are also pulling out of Iraq. Could it be the bomb was meant for them and not the UN? Or maybe meant for all 3????
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