Could Bush survive another domestic terrorist disaster? What would the reaction of the country be, by-and-large? SUPPORT? ANGER? - for allowing it to happen again?
Iraq is a mess. Bush's popularity is on the slide. More and more Americans will be coming home in bodybags. Who knows where the economy is going to be. A strong Democratic candidate is likely to come out of the primaries and challenge this mis-Administration in Nov. 2004 - provided there are no ballot/voter registration tampering excercises ala Florida 2000.
Another attack would serve many purposes. 1)patriotic backlash resulting in another round of "rally behind the President" in times of "crisis" 2)could result in a legitimate "election" in 2004, thus ensuring PNAC plan for another 4 years 3)could act as a pretext to re-institute the Draft, using terrorism and fear as catalyst for expanding US military occupation of the globe.
As far as the economy goes, what does Bush care about the economy? He's part of the wealthy elite. By the evidence of his economic plan - he obviously doesn't give a shit NOW. For all he and his cabal care, everyone who isn't rich should either be in the army or scrubbing their (elites) shithouses.
If a Democrat is comming on strong next year, keep your head low. I wouldn't put anything past these nazis.