Give me a break!!---well, I guess I'm addressng the wrong crowd here because you know the truth. Jesus H. Christ...do the American people believe that the people who shit on them, do not care if their child gets medical care, do not care if their child is educated, do not care if they have a job, do not care if they can live in retirement, etc., really, really cry at night that the poor POOR Iraqis do not have DEEE-MOCK-RAH-CEEE, FEEEEEEDumb, and Capitalism??--(-okay, I'm wrong here..they do want unbridled "let's employ you for 25 cents per hour" capitalism). But then like any good business investment, you need to assess things and eventually, if necessary, cut and run. If they can't bring stability over there to protect corporate investment, then they surely wouldn't waste a goddamn dime on fucking humanitarian shit. Iraq is a great hope for several reasons: 1) they have an educated population that corporate America is jerking off at the hope of getting them for pennies to replace our fucking, overpaid, white collar yuppies; 2) the usual blue collar pennies per hour labor; and OIL. But instability means a "bummer" for hiring white and blue collars; and if we can't keep the fucking pipelines from being blown up every day, costing millions to fix plus months to fix and then start all over again two minutes later, then it becomes "totally un-cost effective" for the investors. And that means, the Iraqis rate somewhere below saving lawn gnomes from extinction. We will bail. We will let them die. We will let something six times worse than Saddam take over. And we will lie to the American people and tell them "it is a good thing for the Iraqis". Fight on Iraqis---you are dealing with scum. Hopefully we can replace this administration and actually fight to help you.