Although the right wing news media would have us believe that the Democrats do not have any strong candidate for the 2004 election, as we all know, just the opposite is true. We have several EXCELLENT candidates. Thats why there is no clear front runner right now. Dean has caught a lot of attention and has a great agenda. Wesley Clark would strenthen the defense issue. Kucinich is is not yet getting the attention he deserves. Edwards should not be counted out as I think he has a better chance than a lot of people seem to think. Carol Mosley Braun needs more attention too. John Kerry is still a force to be reckoned with. We have great candidates. Strong Candidates. Sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy store, with a mind boggling selection.
You know what? At this point, I love them all and will gladly and joyfully vote for any one of them. My main focus in this upcoming election is to rid our country of a great Evil.
ANYONE BUT BUSH 2004. Let us all remember that. Support your favorite candidate. Tell us why you feel that support. Shove their name in our faces 20 times a day. But let us stop bashing the other candidates. Because when the primary is over, we will only have 2 viable choices. The Democratic candidate or Evil Personified.
I know where my vote is going.