((And sorry sincere Clark supporters, but this is our country's future we are talking about!))
Clinton's war against Yugoslavia was a
disgraceful chapter of an mostly distinguished Presidency. The spin on this war was unbelievably well manipulated that most people, to THIS day, have no idea what went on there. Clark is no hero in my eyes nor is he in the eyes of many soldiers and officers. Right now, Clark, who spent his entire life grooming himself for bigger and better posts right up to the Presidency is in the advantageous position of crafting whatever position is necessary to win an election. I’m sorry but “Anyone But Bush” has it’s limits and this is ONE line I will NOT cross. I am no huge fan of Dean but if he
or anyone else adds Clark to his ticket, hell will never get cold enough for me to vote for them. Instead of listening to a bunch of campaign operatives, most of whom showed up at DU at the same time, do your own research. Google Wesley Clark and War Crimes or War Criminal. Look at the pictures. Think of all the innocent men, women, and children who were MURDERED by a General that MILITARY OFFICERS, to include the most decorated officer alive, called THE PERFUMED PRINCE.
Our country is at stake! Our future and the future of our children is at stake! This is no time for partisan politics, sentimental attachment to candidates, or anything except the most researched and informed vote! Tinoire,
20 year Military Veteran, Veteran for Peace
Here are some great articles by By
Col. David Hackworth (Ret.) to get you started
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=+site:www.hackworth.com+Wesley+Clark+%22David+Hackworth%22 and Hackworth’s material is trustworthy no matter what you think about the military and the man’s political beliefs.
Before Iraq: Strengthen allies, weaken al-Qaeda ((in other words, punch a few ticket holes before going to bomb the shit out of them))
http://www.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2002-09-09-oplede_x.htm Clark and George Soros ((billionaire stock market and currency manipulator who plundered the Ukraine and was up to his neck in the war against Yugoslavia and is now
putting up $10 mln of his personal funds to an organisation seeking to defeat George Bush at the forthcoming US presidential elections. ))
Soros's International Crisis Group boasts such "independent" luminaries as the former national security advisers Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Allen, as well as General Wesley Clark, once Nato supreme allied commander for Europe. The group's vice-chairman is the former congressman Stephen Solarz, once described as "the Israel lobby's chief legislative tactician on Capitol Hill" and a signatory, along with the likes of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, to a notorious letter to President Clinton in 1998 calling for a "comprehensive political and military strategy for bringing down Saddam and his regime".
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2003/08/13132.shtml As another DU poster researched
How Can you trust someone who worked for Jackson Stephens and Acxiom? Make sure you read up on this one guys!
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/thenewbushwhackerbrigade2/message/15989?source=1 and DU research about this:
http://www.stephens.com/http://www.acxiom.com/AcxDisplay/1%2C1486%2C0~en%2C00.html Acxiom's 2002 proxy (includes Board of Directors)
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/733269/000073326902000007/proxy2002.htm http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=jackson+stephens+ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=jackson+stephens+AND+BCCI http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=jackson+stephens+AND+drug+trafficking http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=wesley+clark+AND+war+crimes(from this thread:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/duforum/DCForumID60/23181.html#8 )
Informative, sourced FR thread on Clark (because contrary to popular opinion, there is such a thing as a thinking Freeper)
http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a38331cb52099.htm Progressive War Crimes Tribunal finds Clark guilty and lists why.
http://www.iacenter.org/warcrime/wct2000.htm Announcement of this Tribunal with why’s and who and how and based on what evidence
http://www.iacenter.org/warcrime/wc112099.htm Clark & his friends on the Palestinians An article by General Wesley Clark, appearing in Time magazine, discussed the situation on the ground in Israel and the Palestinian territories praising “Israel sfor the way it fought the intifada inside Israel.” Describing the West Bank and Gaza as “inside Israel,” it praised “Israeli use of assassination, Apache helicopters, and armed vehicles, and all sorts of ways and means which Israel used to kill political leaders.”
http://www.palestinecenter.org/cpap/pubs/20011114ftr.html Clark wasn’t drafted. Clark & Soros have been running this operation from the start. What kind of a draftee tells his “operatives” to Crank it up? General Clark tells his troops to "Crank it up!" Clark: Crank It Up
"Clark recently phoned one close adviser, who spoke on condition of anonymity, and said, 'Crank it up.' The Clark adviser said that the former NATO chief is smart to stay out of the race until after Labor Day, but not much longer after that. He pointed to the number of debates and forums that the Democratic hopefuls have on tap and the chance that these encounters will do little to clarify the race -- as was the case in the recent AFL-CIO forum in Chicago. The Clark adviser speculated that the general will be better positioned for a run if he has a message that seems fresher for not having been part of the clutter."
http://www.draftclark2004.com/news_detail.asp?nid=92 No Ticker Tape Parade for War Criminal General; No Tough Questions, Either "America's triumphant general in the Kosovo war received less than a hero's welcome yesterday from US senators, who criticized the lack of readiness for a ground invasion, poor intelligence estimates, and the now open-ended mission of American peacekeepers," the
Boston Globe reported July 2.
In his first extensive public assessment of NATO's 11-week air war, General Wesley Kanne Clark, the alliance's supreme allied commander in Europe, told the Senate Armed Services Committee called the battle ''a testament to political unity and the will of NATO members to stand up to the humanitarian tragedy'' inflicted on ethnic Albanians by Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic.
But the four-star "Clinton general" appearance before Congress stood in absolutely stark contrast to the standing ovations given by Congress to the last returning American war commander, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who delivered a stirring 20-minute tribute on May 8, 1991 to both houses of Congress. By comparison, Clark suffered through the indignity of being caught in Washington traffic and then entered a huge Senate hearing room a few minutes late to find only six of the 19 committee members at their seats. (13 eventually appeared.) And when Clark finally answered the last question more than three hours and no ovations later, only two senators were left. Spectators numbered 11.
Clark answered his last question close to 1 p.m., and stayed for a few minutes to discuss the Pristina airport situation with Senator John Warner of Virginia and Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat. The general threw his arms in the air and had a hard time keeping his voice down, despite the presence of reporters nearby, the Globe said.
http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/Peace/ps13.html A little mail archive with posts WE should have been writing:
More info on this monstrous war:
http://www.swans.com/library/art7/gowans02.html From the International Action Center with which we tried so hard to stop the war on Iraq and why they were so outraged about the war against Yugoslavia. Was Iraq bogus? You bet your sweet ass this one was too!
http://www.workers.org/ww/1999/warcrime0805.html -----------------------
http://www.greenspun.com/com/zpub/un/clark.htmlContributed by Bob Petrovich (bojanp@home.com) on September 6, 2001.
I want to second what Bob Petrovich wrote. I would like to say that I was one of the attendees of Gen. Wesley Clark's talk at the Pentagon Centre Borders Books, and I saw how biased his presentation was.
I'd also like to add that Clark came across as a truly arrogant and rude person. He confirmed the opinion I have had for a long time about military commanders, that they have egos as big as all outdoors. They fancy themselves to be great "heroes," and expect to be treated with fawning respect and admiration by everybody, and thanked profusely for "saving our freedom." They need to be brought down a notch, and I think that's what those of us opposed to NATO aggression against Yugoslavia did to Clark at his presentation.
I don't think he's used to being challenged on his beliefs. This would account for the rude remarks and tone of voice he used against Mr. George Jatras and myself when we asked him critical questions. (Like how could he justify using such weapons of mass destruction as cluster bombs, and depleted uranium, which will poison the environment in the Balkans for generations to come, against a nation which never did us any harm).
From the Association of Former Intelligence OfficersRAF VIEWS ON KOSOVO INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT. A draft RAF analysis being submitted to a British Ministry of Defense study of the lessons learned from Kosovo was recently leaked to a London paper. Presumably the final MoD assessment will be tabled in NATO channels later in the year.
The published extracts from the RAF draft ascribed NATO's disappointing Kosovo performance to serious failings in intelligence, training, weapons and other hardware. The restrictions incurred in coalition fighting will probably be addressed cautiously in the final report also. The RAF study notes intelligence reports about Serbian troop and equipment locations took up to three days to reach front-line attack squadrons, by which time the Serbs had changed position. Many
pilots found themselves "bombing old tank tracks" or civilians as a result, the document says.<snip>
The delays that made intelligence on Serbian forces "days behind" real events are blamed on the Americans, whose spy satellites, drones and aircraft mostly supplied the raw material. "Everything had to be exhaustively processed and analyzed through this bureaucratic American intelligence machine, and it took far too long," said one RAF officer. (Source: WTimes 26 July '99. p. A1.)
Here's more stuff I'm finding about this CFR member, Wesley Clark
Apparently, the Boston Globe reported on the following on July 2, 1999 "America's triumphant general in the Kosovo war received less than a hero's welcome yesterday from US senators, who criticized the lack of readiness for a ground invasion, poor intelligence estimates, and the now open-ended mission of American peacekeepers,"
But the four-star "Clinton general" appearance before Congress stood in absolutely stark contrast to the standing ovations given by Congress to the last returning American war commander, General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, who delivered a stirring 20-minute tribute on May 8, 1991 to both houses of Congress. By comparison, Clark suffered through the indignity of being caught in Washington traffic and then entered a huge Senate hearing room a few minutes late to find only six of the 19 committee members at their seats. (13 eventually appeared.) And when Clark finally answered the last question more than three hours and no ovations later, only two senators were left. Spectators numbered 11.
Senator James M. Inhofe of Oklahoma said: ''I do think that we have abused and we have lied to the public as to the atrocities'' that were taking place in Kosovo.
Senator Olympia J. Snowe, a Maine Republican, questioned Clark's battlefield damage assessments. A Globe reporter, in two weeks of extensive travel throughout the province, saw only three destroyed Yugoslav military vehicles - two tanks and one armored personnel carrier. ''I stand by the figures that we released on confirmed battle damage,'' Clark said. ''That was 110 tanks, 210 armored fighting vehicles and 449 artillery and mortar tubes.'' He did say that pilots hit some ''dummies,'' or fake military equipment built by Yugoslav troops as decoys.
Clark answered his last question close to 1 p.m., and stayed for a few minutes to discuss the Pristina airport situation with Senator John Warner of Virginia and Senator Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat. The general threw his arms in the air and had a hard time keeping his voice down, despite the presence of reporters nearby, the Globe said.
http://www.truthinmedia.org/Kosovo/Peace/ps13.html ------------------------
Chicago - Almost - Confronts Clark
May 1, 1999
As NATO and the Clinton Adminstration, in open defiance of the U.S. Congress, which voted last Wednesday to strip the war against Yugoslavia of any legitimacy, escalate their campaign of death and destruction, opposition to this criminal endeavor is mounting from increasing sectors of the public. Panel discussions and teach-ins, the latter reminiscent of the Vietnam War era, are springing up on nearly every campus across the city. Radio talk show call-ins and letters to the editor in both major Chicago daily newspapers are heavily in favor of ending the war and negotiating a peaceful settlement of this tragic and complex conflict.
...NATO has killed thousands of civilians in less than one month.
Clarence Page and Steven Chapman, both nationally-syndicated columnists based at the Chicago Tribune, have spoken out bluntly, and in Chapman's case repeatedly, for an end to the bombing and a
peaceful resolution of the crisis. In fact, not one single columnist in either daily, the Chicago Tribune and the Chicago Sun-Times, has written in support of the war.
The entire Democratic Congressional delegation voted against the resolution authorizing ground troops in the House on Wednesday, and one Congressman, Jesse Jackson, Jr., voted against the resolution on the air war.Most impressive, though, is the almost spontaneous
outpouring of anti-war sentiment from the general population here in Chicago. Several mass demonstrations have occurred in the last two weeks, the most spirited of which, arguably, was outside the Hotel Intercontinental on Michigan Avenue this past Monday.
Major media networks and the press continue to ignore anti-bombing demonstrations. ]font color="red"] Wesley Clark, the Bomber of the Balkans, was to have been the guest of honor at a fete organized by the Chicago
Council of Foreign Relations. Being otherwise occupied, largely with raining cruise missiles and "dumb bombs" on Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Bulgaria, a last minute replacement arrived instead.
We were ready for him. An estimated crowd of 500 people gathered outside the hotel on Chicago's upscale Michigan Avenue, Miracle Mile as it's known locally, with bullhorns, banners and a simulated air raid siren.
The marchers were a diverse group, reflecting the wide range of sponsors:
Illinois Peace Action, 8th Day Center For Justice, the Serbian Unity Congress and a busload of Veterans for Peace en route from California to the East Coast.
DU links: Clark and Axciom:/ Homeland Security
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=212190#212501 And now, I am very tired. Not even for ABB should we let ourselves be so blinded. I’ll hold my nose and take a normal Dem Centrist if I HAVE to– you can scare my principles out of me that much but NO WAY will I ever vote for any ticket that has Clark on it.
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