Did Bremer really say this?
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:18 AM
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Did Bremer really say this? |
"We don't need more troops, we just need the cooperation of the Iraqi people."
'Cooperation?' Bwahahahahahahaha! Those pesky RPG-firing, truck-bombing, grenade-throwing Iraqis just aren't 'cooperating.' The poor dears.
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:22 AM
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1. If those darned Iraqis would quit dancin' in the streets |
And quit throwin' flowers at our guys for just a minute, maybe we could get something done around here!
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:23 AM
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We need to teach them the difference between 'flowers' and 'RPGs'.
Maybe it's a language thing.
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:26 AM
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3. I thought they hate us for our Freedom? |
If all we offer them is freedom and they hate freedom why expect cooperation? :wtf: Maybe in a generation after the propaganda has had a chance to work.
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:30 AM
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4. Nothing this guy says is a surprise |
He is one of the most flagrant and consistant liars who no one seems to ever challenge. It is as if the truth has very little to do anything in the American consensus anymore. It is really over the top.
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Mon Aug-25-03 11:06 AM
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6. he's the new "Baghdad Bob" |
Minstrel Boy
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Mon Aug-25-03 10:34 AM
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5. What he meant to say was |
"We don't need more troops, we just need fewer Iraqis."
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:08 AM
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